
Monday, February 8, 2010

new seller quick five! :: Vanilla Knits and Bits

New seller : Vanilla Knits and Bits

How did you find about madeit?

I have been selling online through another venue for about 6 months and have been toying with the idea of giving the markets and craft fairs a go. While sifting through my search responses I found a reference to '' and followed the links and here I am, very excited to be able to sell locally online!!

Explain your style?
I like to make bright, colourful and pretty hats and accessories. I'm a perfectionist so I tend to rip out more than I stitch sometimes!. I enjoy using different designs and playing around with unusual, eye catching colour combinations. The challenge is finding styles for boys that aren't dull or boring or too babyish, I have a ways to go in that department but I think I'm on the right track now!

What makes you happy?
Spending time with family and friends is the obvious one. Chocolate is at the top of my food pyramid - although some days there just isn't enough in the world. I also love to wander through Stationery stores and look at all the pretty notebooks and pens. I get very excited when the Post van pulls up with my new order of wool, I rip open the bag on my bed and watching all those balls of wool tumble out makes me want to run for my hooks and start crocheting straight away.

What makes you sad?
When my children are sad. I'm a sucker for sad movies, although I have to watch them at home where I can sob in peace. The last movie I watched was a half a roll of toilet paper one (we had no tissues) - it was great! Hearing about news of tragic events around the world and here at home are too much sometimes.

What can't you live without?
My hubby, my children, my friends, chocolate, my patterns, wool and hooks, books, my camera and laptop.......and diet coke (tragic but true!)

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