
Monday, April 5, 2010

new seller quick five :: wingbysea

New seller :: wingbysea

How did you find out about madeit?

I can't quite remember the first time I heard about MadeIt, but it was really brought to my attention by the feature article you did on Kirsten of ForgetMeNot. I love buying handmade, and I love the idea of being able to buy all Australian handmade - all while the little one sleeps!

Explain your style.
My style - well it gets a bit eclectic, because sometimes I'm feeling a bit more fun and tomboyish, or glamourous, or chic and minimalist. I'm also very influenced by people watching and the feel of where I live, Avalon is a pretty relaxed, beachy place, with a hint of urban influence.

What makes you happy?
Those unplanned moments of family time when it all clicks and we are just happy to be together are the best. The opportunity to be creative and make something, that's pretty good too!

What makes you sad?

I start getting sad when I'm too tired! Also watching the news, and being faced with situations or problems - especially those of close friends and family - that I can't fix makes me sad. I'm a fixer-upperer.

What cant you live without?
I cannot live without my husband, my son, sunshine, water, and laughter. My morning coffee is pretty important too!


  1. Great feature!! I have lots of Michelle's pieces & love them all. Definitely one of my favourite sellers

  2. yes I have a few things made by Wings too, they are great quality, well made and just gorgeous!

    ~ Samone

  3. YAY Michelle! I love her jewellery so much and have lots of it on my wish list.

    I loved getting to know more about Michelle.

  4. Lovely write up Michelle - wonderful work too!

  5. Always Gorgeous designs and fabulous photogrpahy....sweet interview also :)

    all the best with your new madeit shop!

  6. ooops...meant to say photography, must be afternoon coffee time ;)

  7. Arita - Daisy and MisterApril 21, 2010 at 11:06 AM

    Really love your work Michelle, very original and contemporary. Also really enjoyed your interview, thanks for sharing :)
