
Monday, June 7, 2010

new seller quick five :: Big Brother Little Sister

new seller quick five :: Big Brother Little Sister

How did you find about madeit?
I have always loved handmade so when a friend told me about an the all Australian site madeit I was so excited. I have been a member for around one year and am new to selling this month. I love the site for inspiration and seeing all the unique products and talent. I started sewing my bandana bibs for my son Cooper who has Cerebral Palsy and he has trouble controlling his lip closure and he needed a grown up option to help this especially socially at Kinder and out playing with friends.

Explain your style
With the bandana bibs I create I am going for a stylish option on the baby bib. I love fresh, bright, funky fabrics. I would love kids to feel special wearing their bib especially if they are a little older and needing this option to help with saliva control. They can dress up an outfit, match and outfit and really make you stand out. I adore upcycling and vintage too. I am keen to explore many fabrics through custom orders too.

What makes you happy?
It makes me happy to create something. To use my mind and actually make something that will in turn make a child happy. Seeing my two children together, playing, laughing and exploring and learning makes me very happy. A sleep through the night would also be devine! :)

What makes you sad?
The lack of support services and funding for children and familes living with a disability. We are working hard towards have a National Disability Insurance scheme for Australian

What can't you live without?
I can't live without my morning coffee. Both the kids get up around 530am and it keeps me going! I also could not live without my sewing machine as my timeout, MY time and an outlet just for me. It allows me to tune out, create and enjoy.

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