Summer lends itself to being the statement season of contrasts; the temperature is hot, the waters feel more refreshing than ever before, the trees dry out suddenly yet the rains come thick and fast.
With the thought of contrasts in mind, Sophie's Summer range for That Vintage has correlated a mix of feathers, fur, iron and lace all pictured on the beautiful Tasmanian Myrtle wood.
Sweet and feminine yet strong; delicate little feathered birds perched on edges of wrought iron licks and a feature of lace and woodgrain are engraved.
In the That Vintage Summer 2011 range, the contrast carries through to a more tangible dimension with the release of the "Pop-Up" designs - creating shadow and interest with an eye popping deer, rabbit and dove.
To view the new Summer 2011 range visit madeit.com.au/thatvintage

To celebrate 'That Vintage' Summer 2011 range we have one Deer and Lace Brooch to giveaway to one lucky blog reader.
To enter leave a comment below letting us know which animal best describes you and why?
You have till Wednesday 25rd February to enter!
The winner will be published on the comments, please include your email if you comment anonymously or pop back on Thursday 24th to see if you have won.

Visit madeit.com.au for more handmade goodies
My friends have already nominated the giraffe as my animal, given I'm tall and have a longish neck! (not quite as long as a girafffe I might add!)
ReplyDeleteA sea-turtle... Although I appear to be relatively lazy & clumbsy, I'm actually very curious, docile, gentle and friendly... I like to go with the flow, chill at every opportunity, I am highly protective of my "young" (my 2 babies). And although I may appear at times to have a hard-shelled exterior, I'm still a big softie and delicate on the inside!
ReplyDeleteNever the shy and timid Deer - no doubt I am best described as a rainbow Lorikeet - cheeky, brazen, loud and colourful (with a penchant for honey on bread!).
ReplyDeleteA Dog~ I'm loyal,can always pick-up on peoples moods,Will stand beside you through thick & thin & love a good cuddle, but mess with my loved ones & i'll bite ya!
ReplyDeleteSamantha Carr
Sea Turtle - Swift, agile and comfortable in my own environment, slow, careful and determined outside of my waters.
ReplyDeleteHas to be a bear - would love to hibernate through winter, I can move really swiftly when seeking food, not all lean or elegant but have a quiet intelligence.
ReplyDeleteA koala. I love my cuddles and sleep :).
ReplyDeleteToday I feel like a cat. I wish I could curl up and have a long sleep.
ReplyDeleteA chocolate labrador - friendly, loyal, lazy, always hungry! (And chocolate because I can...)
ReplyDeleteMy friends would definitely say a cat, because I'm loyal to a fault, but I never come when called.
ReplyDeleteI am truly & absolutely a monkey.
ReplyDeleteIt is my chinese zodiac sign but it is very much me. one close friend calls me monkey all the time.
I love it! Life can't get any better - monkey life is good :)
I most definitely am a very naughty cat! I certainly don't have masters like a dog but I do have 'help' like a cat. And if I could sleep for 23 hours out of 24 I'd be purring!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to pick an animal. I'm impulsive, organised, but also a little bit lazy. I guess I'd be some kind of winter animal, one that hibernates. Maybe a squirrel?
ReplyDeleteI'm finding it hard to pick an animal too! Can I say a human? No?...My daughter said an elephant. I guess it could be true...I plod my way through things and I never forget!!
ReplyDeleteI'm the very hungry caterpillar. mmmm food....
ReplyDeleteI would have to say a bower bird... can't stop picking things up and bringing them home for another day! Or... a lion..... cross my children or family in anyway and watch me roar!
ReplyDeleteA kookaburra, freedom loving as with most birds, but fiercely protective of the things and people that are important.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say a fish, because I just go with the flow. I like to stay out of the way of things, and my motto in life is that everything is just as it's meant to be. The flow will take me exactly where I need to be!
ReplyDeleteSloth for sure, I just loooove sleeping in!
ReplyDeleteI think I might be a hummingbird at the moment - flitting from one thing to another!
ReplyDeleteThe beaver best describes me as a person. Always busy, always working - but driven by a love of what I am working at. I love to build a comfortable home and make sure those I love are safe. And although I am a bit of a workaholic, I must admit I also love to simply 'float on my back' and watch the clouds go by.
ReplyDeleteA bat! I have a sick bubba at the moment and i seem to be up all night with him!
At the moment and hibernating bear - I'm pretty tired and cranky after working a 13 hour day! Usually a dog though; loyal, playful and devoted to napping!
ReplyDeleteI asked my husband to help me on this one.. His response- a magpie, as I seem to be attracted to objects that shine- like diamonds and jewelry! Mmm.. He does have a point!
A cat I think. I can be pretty independent and like my alone time:)
ReplyDeleteI'm a guinea pig - cute, cuddly and was only ever cool in the 90's.
ReplyDeleteIn the nicest possible way I'd describe myself as a Cow!!! They are wonderful mothers ,so protective and get so stressed when seperated from their babies. Possibly the most obvious likeness lately.... has been the bountiful supply of milk! That kind of happens when you hang out with a six month old baby ! ejsumners@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteohhh this is a tough one!!
ReplyDeleteWell I'm rather in love with owls, so I'm going to say my likeness to their silent flight is akin to how I need to tiptoe between the kids rooms at night checking on them!!
I love all of the descriptions everyone has said about themselves, they seem very intuitive. As for me I think I'm a bit of a lioness and a kitten mixed in together. I'm very protective of my young and very proud of my mothering skills and my family, but can also be very playful, naive and innocent like a kitten.
A nightingale bird - they are a symbol for romance & I'm a helpless romantic, and their song is thought to be creative, spontaneous and often sung at night. I'm a little like that, staying up late to create things and often 'last minute', or as I like to call it, spontaneous!
ReplyDeleteI feel like a meerkat a lot of the time - popping up my head for a quick check of the situation, then back to work looking after my little ones!
I'd be a plain old kitty cat because a little nap, especially in a sunny spot, makes me so happy :)
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely a tortoise! Just like me, tortoises are homebodies (literally!), slow and a little bit wrinkly.
ReplyDeleteI am a bit like an elephant as I never forget anything - well almost never!
ReplyDeleteA Penguin! Aggressive yet gentle, outgoing but shy, stable yet flighty - everyone sees the penguin in a different way. It's that black and white thing: the penguin only reveals the side that it wants to you to see. So whether you like this darling-devil or not, you have to concede that it's a fascinating and enigmatic individual. Well, according to http://www.animalinyou.com/test.php
Thank you for all your comments, it's great to see a wide range of the animal kingdom mentioned below. We must admit it was hard to only choose one.
ReplyDeleteWell done Cuppa-T - who described herself as being a beaver. Right now floating on our backs looking up at the clouds sounds like a great idea.