
Monday, March 7, 2011

madeit new seller quick five :: Piggledee

madeit new seller quick five :: Piggledee

How did you find out about madeit?

I was reading an article in a local newspaper about an immigrant woman who taught crafting in Australia (being an immigrant myself, I'm a sucker for these stories), and there was a link to her madeit shop at the end of the article. I didn't look it up at the time, but it stuck in my mind. Later when I started my own business selling handmade children's items, I remembered that link -- I was immediately taken by such a vibrant crafting community here in Australia!

Explain your style
My aesthetic is minimalist, understated, and functional – I'm from Japan, and am very much influenced by my culture. Especially when it comes to children, who are gorgeous just being themselves, I believe simple designs and soft, earthy colours are best to enhance their natural cuteness. Also, everything I make for my shop is highly functional – useful things I find invaluable in my daily life as a parent.

What makes you happy?
Designing and making, say, a quilt – I love the creative process. But what makes me 100 times happier is watching my daughter pull out the quilt and use it for a pretend picnic with her dolls, or seeing my son bury his face into its softness. Making things, for me, is all about sharing love with others, in my small and humble way, and as cheesy as it may sound, that's what makes me happy.

What makes you sad?
That most children on earth are born into a life of poverty, violence, or oppression. I wish I were an activist to do something about it, but I'm not, and that makes me sad as well.

What can't you live without?
A hot shower in the morning, coffee, and lots of sugary goodness (what can I say, I was once a pastry chef!). Time with my family, but also time on my own to think and create.

1 comment:

  1. lovely creations! Keep up the great work!
    Best wishes
    Studio Conestoga
