
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Advertising & Promotional Tips from madeit Sellers!

We asked some of our successful sellers what advertising or promoting tips they have for sellers, here are some of the top responses extracted from their interviews when they featured on the Designer Spotlight page. You can read the interviews in full @

Bliss Clips visit store :: read interview
Do whatever you can to put yourself out there, friends and family is a great start, for me it was my head start and from then onwards, it was my online madeit store that drove it further. Start a Facebook page, this is a great way to showcase your products, hold promotions and keep people informed with new products, as well as a great way to get people involved

Red Tree Designs visit store :: read interview
Wear, use or display what you make. That way, people will see it and ask about it (and you can ‘road test’ and perfect it). Give your product to friends and relatives as presents. Start a Facebook business page and a blog.

AnK Bowtique visit store :: read interview
We can’t emphasise enough the value of quality and clear photos, especially when selling online. A great photo will sell the product before a customer has even got to the description. We also often include samples with our orders; everyone loves to get ‘freebies’. When we attend markets or craft fairs we include a flyer in with the purchase which has links to our madeit store, blog and Facebook site and also tells a little bit about our business.

Georgie Girl visit store :: read interview
Get out there and interact with other sellers and businesses. The more you talk to people, the more people become familiar with your business name and product. Have an online presence and take an interest in what relevant sites are doing. Keep abreast of what is happening in the handmade community.

Little Wise Owl visit store :: read interview
Giveaways have been great for me. I have one on my blog once a month and they really drive interest. Everyone loves free stuff!

My Sweet Prints visit store :: read interview
Make up a 'Press Release' with a brief description of your store including product shots, a web link to your store and a small bio on yourself. Email it through to a few blogs or websites whose themes compliment your product.

That Vintage visit store :: read interview
Celebrate your label’s milestones every now and then by having “Free Postage” for a month or giving away a freebie with a purchase over a certain dollar value – change it up a bit, stagnant stores will remain… stagnant.