
Monday, July 25, 2011

madeit new seller quick five :: Belinda Morris

madeit new seller quick five :: Belinda Morris

How did you find about madeit?

I have been researching the online handmade scene for a little while now - looking at lots of other designers, magazines and market goers to get a feel for which site I should list on. Lots of helpful souls told me that Madeit was the way to go... so here I am.

Explain your style
I definitely love a bit of a vintage feel. All that style, glamour and playfulness of bygone eras is really appealing to me. I love cloths and accessories that are soft and feminine, but with a twist. I like my cloths to be a bit of a personal expression and not the standard off the rack look and love a handbag that makes a statement all on its own.

What makes you happy?
So many is hard to pick out the best ones, but definitely watching my children when they are happily engrossed in an imaginary world or wrestling with my partner, creating a new piece and bringing it out for the final viewing, cups of coffee with my girlfriends, being at the beach, a great breakfast at a great cafe with great friends, trivia at the local pub, playing basketball etc, etc, etc

What makes you sad?
That human beings can be so lacking in compassion that they do not realise what they are doing to hurt other human beings and the inequality that exists in the world and that human beings can be so ignorant they do not realise what destruction we are wreaking on our planet.

What can't you live without?
Definitely coffee first thing in the morning, my family, my Mum and trying my hardest to be creative.


  1. Great interview and such beautiful designs, I'm in love with the Sandra Dee dresses!

  2. Beautiful dresses and a lovely interview! Welcome to Madeit, Belinda;)
