
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

craftumi seller quick five :: Urban TreeHouse

craftumi seller quick five :: Urban TreeHouse

Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Vicki, I live in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges east of Melbourne with my Hubby Tim, our 3 gorgeous kids, one dog, one cat and too many chickens.  As well as working part time at a local Daffodil farm I make an eclectic mix of products to sell at local markets. Many of my products are made from recycled and reclaimed fabrics. I love rummaging through op-shops and love nothing better than finding a special treasure and giving it a new lease on life.

How did you find about craftumi?
I found out about Craftumi when I was on a few years ago, I decided it would be the perfect place to sell my abundance of patterns and also the extra bits and pieces I use to make my bags.

What do you sell on craftumi?
 My Craftumi shop Urban TreeHouse sells vintage and not so vintage dressmaking  patterns, bag making supplies that include magnetic snaps, wire formed slides and rectangle rings. Soon I will be listing some of my vintage fabric stash. I have just too much fabric for one person and her trusty sewing machine. Lots of the fabric is unused Sheridan Sheet fabric that I have because my Dad worked at the factory in the 70's, lots of offcuts made it home and luckily it was never thrown out because 'it might come in handy one day'.

What is your favourite craft activity?
I love sewing and picked up 'Lucy' a very old Juki sewing machine a few years ago and sewing with her is just the best! My Nana, 2 great Aunts and my mother were all very talented dressmakers, so you could say sewing was in my genes.  I like felting and I have a huge collection of  woolen jumpers that have been felted and are just waiting to be sewn into something new. I love the way sewing gives me a quick fix, I am too impatient for many crafts.

What would be your perfect day?
My perfect day would have a few more hours in it!!!! 
It would be filled with family, friends, good food, good wine, and plenty of productive crafting.


  1. Keep up the good work Vicki, can't wait to see your range at the next market

  2. I'm loving your 'perfect' day.
    I don't think its too much too ask for! ;)
    It sounds like mine too!
    Actually..... drooling at the thought of all of those Sheridan sheets!

  3. Thanks For The Content..Really Good
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