
Thursday, February 9, 2012

craftumi seller quick five :: iyana and jane

 craftumi seller quick five :: iyana and jane

Tell us a bit about yourself
My name's Laura, I'm 29 and a single mum to a super cute 11 year old daughter. My shop name is a combination of both our middle names. I live in a small country town and have always been into crafty creations. I studied millinery and fashion design for 3 years and worked casually in my mum's scrapbooking shop for nearly 8 years. She recently closed the doors and wanting to continue my crafty fix Iyana and Jane on craftumi came about.

How did you find about craftumi?
I've recently started selling a few handmade pieces on madeit under the Iyana and Jane name and saw Craftumi advertised on the site. I liked the fact that I can list anytime of the day or night. It's really handy. Especially when sometimes with me a day turns into a week!

What do you sell on craftumi?

I sell loads of crafty goodies! Stamps, beads, findings, flowers...the list goes on, but mainly anything to do with scrapbooking, cardmaking or beading.  I'm always adding things whenever I have time, so the range is forever growing. I'm hoping to get some more delightful products listed very soon...

What is your favourite craft activity?
I love anything crafty. I've always been into craft even from an early age and I am always fiddling with something. I love to sew, make jewellery, scrapbook or make cards. I would love to try making a quilt or a mosaic and I always have a long list of things to do or start. The world is just so inspirational! I'm forever jotting things down on a notepad. I think I have lists for my lists! At the moment I'm restoring a cute vintage cupboard and I'm really into baking and decorating cupcakes. I will give anything crafty a crack!

What would be your perfect day?

A perfect day for me would be sleeping in, coffee and pancakes with my little girl and a dvd day at home. I'd also be happy with a relaxing family bbq or a day at a winery with loads of awesome foods, wines, coffee, cake and catching up with friends.

1 comment:

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