
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

madeit new seller :: Two Goats

madeit new seller :: Two Goats

How did you find about madeit?
This year at an Australia day house warming party, we were catching up with old friends that we hadn't seen in ages. They are part of AlmondTreeDesigns and I mentioned my new venture, instantly they filled me in on how helpful a site like this could be for me. Gotta love friends!

Explain your style
My personalised children's art comes in a few colour ranges, I carry the same colour ranges through all of the designs so mums and dads can mix and match various canvases. It's kind of a fun preppy modern style.

What makes you happy?
I'm happiest when I really knuckle down and get involved in a design. I like to try and cover everything, all of my canvas backings are edged with the Two Goats logo and I really have a ball trying to find names that match the canvases I design.

What makes you sad?
Not enough hours in the day! Lovely young family, new business, endurance training and a passionate gardener...sometimes it's hard to find the balance.

What can't you live without?
Exercise. I'm currently training to do my first half ironman this May. So at the moment "Swim. Bike. Run." is my mantra.


  1. I would recommend to any new sellers out there to also sell via larger companies that can do a lot of advertising from an already established fan base. Thanks for the opportunity Made It. My site shows the full range of products or you can join me at facebook, where I like to brag about Made It! and other endeavours
