All you have to do is leave a comment below letting us know of your best or funniest mothers day gift (both given & received)
You have till Wednesday 6th April to comment!
The winner will be published on the comments, please include your email if you comment anonymously or pop back on Thursday 7th April to see if you have won.
Tiges and Weince are offering a lovely and original gift idea for mother's day, May 8th 2011.
Getting your little Picasso's drawing, on to my cushions, so you have a special and original piece of decor for your special space. For those who are still a little young to be illustrating, printing hands or feet are definitely another gorgeous option.
The perfect gift for Mum, Nana or Grandma.
Final date for orders to ensure delivery is 27th April 2011, check out their madeit store for more info madeit.com.au/TigesandWeince

this is lovely, thank you. we always do homemade mothers day gifts, and i did too as a child.x
ReplyDeleteMy funniest mother's day present was when I gave my mum a present, made up of things from around the house that she already owned!
ReplyDeleteI use to for my mum make tissue flowers get 2 tissues and alfoil using the alfoil make a stem and a cup like top and then squish the tissues into the top and i'd spray them with my mum's vanderbilt perfume and tie a piece of string around it. A few wks ago we were going through old photo albums & i discovered she had saved them all!! it made my day ~Happy Day's~ Samantha Carr wozsam@dodo.com.au
ReplyDeleteThis is so gorgeous and the concept of the business is so refreshing!
ReplyDeleteI have only been a Mama for 18 months but the best present was a little book called "Why I love my Mummy" with a photo of Macie and I at the back (care of my Mum!). Macie now brings me the book and asks me to read it to her and when we get to the picture she points at the photo and says "Mama and Macie" and then gives me kisses. Motherhood is magical and the world would be such a better place if we could bottle it up and sprinkle the sunshine. X
Hannah McNulty
The Dalli Cottage Collection
Last years mothers day my husband my 7 yr old son and i celebrated 3 things on that day, my 30th birthday, mothers day and the fact that after 6 years of trying for another child we had finally fallen pregnant for the first time since i was pregnant with my 7yr old. We packed a picnic basket full of all our fav goodies and headed to our fav forrest reserve down the road from us :) we spent the day walking trails, enjoying good food and lots of belly laughs. Even though at the end of May i had lost the baby i still cherish the memories of that day and how loved i felt. This mothers day i will be almost 38 weeks along in my current pregnancy :) and im sure it will be just as special as last years ♥
ReplyDeletekirajacobs43558 at gmail dot com
I've only had 2 mothers days so far but my best gift was my very first gift from my son. It was a mug that Daddy had let him scribble all over and Dad had also written a beautiful message to me. It is much treasured memory of mine that I could never forget - especially cause I drink from my mug everyday!
ReplyDeleteA coloured pasta necklace that my mum wore with pride for a whole day. Only to discover that at the end of the day left a nice coloured mark on her neck from the food colouring. She truly loves me!
ReplyDeleteI only had my first mothers day last year.....my son (10 months at the time) made with help from my husband a gorgeous canvas painting with messy footprints and handprints all over it. Hangs with pride in our hallway!
The best mothers day gift we gave my mum and my mother in-law was 4 years ago after trying to concieve for over a year we told them both on mothers day that they were going to be GRANDMAS!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt went down so well that last year we did it again when we found out we were having our #2 but this time we dressed my daughter in a "I'm going to be a big sister" tshirt to tell them.Seems my body likes falling pregnant around mothers day.....now that is the best gift I have ever been given!
funniest mothers day gift: a $2 vase from the mothers day stall with a horrid flower motif on the front. I was so excited about it I gave it to mum the night before mothers day. Was a little disappointed when she wasn't as crazy about it as I was. =(
Best mother's day gift was the first time my oldest son made me a gift all by himself (no help from dad or teachers). It was a picture of a flower. I still have it framed where I can see it everyday:)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was 6 I gave my Mum a candle from the Mother's Day stall at Primary School. Doesn't sound too bad does it? Sadly it was. It was carved like an Easter Island statue, and was a gorgeous Burnt Orange colour. Mum showed it to EVERY visitor for weeks. Took me a few years to realise why.
ReplyDeleteWhen i was 5 my dad took me and my 5 brothers to a store to pick mum a present each ,we could get anything we wanted - i chose a rat trap because we had mice in our house ,my mum just loved it (i thought) until i had grown up and we laughed about it !!
My funniest was when I received a vase of flowers from my daughter. Only thing, it was a plastic drinking bottle, and flowers made of painted plastic cups and straws. I still have it, but it was very funny to receive.
ReplyDeleteim about to have my first mothers day and as ive just learnt to sew im getting my very first sewing machine : D <3
ReplyDeleteI have only had two Mother's Days, but by far the best gift that I have received was for my first Mother's Day. My daughter (ok...husband) had put a photobook together of just my daughter and I & our time together so far. It is so special. It includes our first moments together, me giving her a bath for the first time, taking her home from the hospital, first swim, special occasions we have spent together like weddings. I love it most of all because it's something we get to use all the time. She is 2 now, and we often sit together and look through the pictures. I will treasure it always.
I think the best mothers day gift i got.. was my little boy rushing in, climbing into my bed to say 'i love you mummy, you are the best', was smoothered with kisses and hugs..
ReplyDeleteOh what a lovely Idea,
ReplyDeleteI have only been a mum for 8 months, and I'm not sure my little bub will be ready to get me something for mothers-day this year. Perhaps I will get a giggle and a burp in the face (thats currently her favourite gift).
Last mothers-day I gave my mum some nanna slippers and dressing gown for the upcoming excitement of her becoming a nanna (and me a mum).
This is a really lovely idea. Last mothers day I told my husband that the only thing I wanted, as cheesy as it sounded, was a painting by my then 1-year-old son, Jude. My friends in my mothers group thought I was adorable for such a simple request, but what more could I ask from a 1-year-old boy?
ReplyDeletethe best mothers day gift well is given to me everyday kisses and cuddles fro my children!!! i love their handmade cards i get i file them all away for memories sake!!!
Thank you for all your comments, we loved hearing about your Mother's Day gift giving.
ReplyDeleteWell done Samantha and thanks for sharing your story about making your Mum tissue flowers and you Mum keeping them in an album. Ahhh!
Have a wonderful Mother's Day - you all do a wonderful job!