
My name is Melinda and I live in Melbourne. I am Mum to two little boys aged 4 and 2, and I have another baby due in April! I am also a social worker. Like all Mums, my days are jam packed, but I wouldn’t have it any other way right now!
Can you explain your craft/art and the materials you like to use?
I make and sell fabric greeting cards. I would say that I have a slight addiction to fabric! I am always amazed at all the wonderful designs, patterns and colours available and the endless possibilities fabric creates. I love how a beautiful fabric can transform a greeting card into something so unique and worthy of being a keepsake.
How long have you been creating and how did you get into making handmade goodies?
I have enjoyed creating things since I was a child. Here We Go Loopy Lou started about one year ago after I became frustrated trying to find Birthday Cards for little ones that weren’t mass produced or covered in licensed products. I decided to experiment with some of the beautiful fabrics I had in my stash, and my business has just grown from there. I am always inspired and motivated by the encouraging comments I receive from my wonderful family, friends and customers. I love introducing new designs into the store and I still get excited by every single sale!
How do you juggle motherhood & crafting/managing your business?
Some days are better than others!! I adore spending time with my boys – going to the park, the Zoo, the library, playgroup, etc. However, Here We Go Loopy Lou is my “me” time. It is my creative outlet, my time to engage my passion for designing and creating. That being said, the business is mostly fitted in around the kids, naps and kindy runs. I probably do most of my work at night when the house is quiet! This is working well for now, but I would love to grow the business to a point where I need dedicated business days! We all need goals!
Do you have any advice to other Mothers who are wanting to start creating handmade goodies?
Never think you cannot do it because you can. Find something that you love doing and pursue it. I think it is great for Mums to have a passion that is all their own. We all need our “me” time. You can start small and build from there. You don’t need to build a creative empire overnight. Made It is a great place to sell online. There is so much work going into promoting the site and therefore your own handmade goods. There is a really fabulous online supportive community through the forums. Just do it, you won’t look back!