How did you find out about madeit?
Late last year I contacted a Melburnian artist to pay her a compliment on her striking handmade totes. I slipped it in to our conversation that I was an artist seeking new and exciting avenues to sell my wares. In her email response, she highly recommended madeit to me... and so here I am today telling you my story!
Explain your style?
Uncomplicated, contemporary and a little tomboyish at times.
What makes you happy?
At the moment, a glass or two of Sauvignon Blanc from the Marlborough region of New Zealand with a little light dancing afterwards. A newly acquired dishwasher also makes me happy as it frees up my time each day to be creative – bliss!
What makes you sad?
This is a little silly: seeing someone else’s recycling placed in their regular wheelie bin and knowing it could have been put to better use! Still on the same subject, I’m a little sad (perhaps dazed is more the word I am looking for) when the garbage truck visits us a little before 6am and I am left with two bright-eyed and bushy-tailed kids! But on a more serious note, I get a little tear in my eye when I think about my immediate family members who have already said ‘goodbye’ to this world.
What can't you live without?
A conscience - a must for everybody. Plus a strong coffee in the morning.

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