From the 12th of May to the 5th of June at the FASHION INCUBATOR in Melbourne Central, Sofie Dieu will lead a serie of conferences and workshop about recycling and fashion. She will show to the participants how to sew, knit, weave recycled material to realise accessories, bags, home decoration and much more. For more information please contact the Incubator: 03 9671 4522
A green bag for a green shopper
Contemporary designers will present their work and show how it reflects their involvement in the preservation
of our planet.
WEDNESDAY 12 MAY - Knitting a shopping bag from jeans and men’s shirts.
SATURDAY 15 MAY - Stitching a shopping bag from a dress or a skirt.
Basic weaving for sophisticated design
What is weaving? What is its history? Which artists explore weaving in their creations?
THURSDAY 20 MAY - Weaving necklaces from old tees.
SATURDAY 22 MAY - Finger-weaved belt
Kitchen set for A contemporary chef
Learn about 30’s through to 50’s kitchen accessories such as tea cosies, aprons and oven gloves. Acquire how house wives craftily recycled old dresses into beautiful handmade kitchen accessories.
WEDNESDAY 26 MAY - Make an oven glove from old jeans
SATURDAY 29 MAY - Make an apron from old jeans
Give your old tees a second life
Can’t part with your old softened tees’? There’s a long journey from the cotton fields to the shops. Learn more about it and extend your old tees’ life by giving them a fresh new look!
WEDNESDAY 2 JUNE - Sewing accessories from old tees
SATURDAY 5 JUNE - Make a coach pillow or a door blocker made from old tees
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