How did you find about madeit?
Friends Friends Friends, everyone seemed to know about Made It except me! ...and now I'm not just a seller, I have the potential to be an addicted shopper...my husband is keeping a VERY close eye on me!
Explain your style
My style is a mixed bag! My home style is beachy and relaxed, but with Two Smitten...I am so inspired by everyone around me, in particular family and friends...my office is an eclectic mix of their style and inspirations! A bit of simple, a bit of dramatic, a bit of vintage...altho if my son had his way everything would be blue! (BAA-LOO as pronounced by my 2yr old!)
What makes you happy?
My incredibly supportive husband, my "growing up to fast" kids, Two Smitten - my sanity and place to feel like a grown up, the beach, dancing with my kids - sunnies on playing air guitar, realising that I am a better cleaner than cook, family walks in the rain (much to my hubbys dislike and 2yr olds delight!), everything about rain!!!, being with my friends who make me laugh so much my eyes water, the idea of reading books and magazines (never have time anymore!), people who follow their hearts, creating new things and transforming ideas into something that is Two Smitten, photos (memories!), getting into my pj's at the end of the day!
What makes you sad?
Bills, arrogant people, forgetting my sunnies!
What can't you live without?
My hubby, kids, sunnies and a mocha frappe no cream!

Welcome to Madeit, Two Smitten!
ReplyDeletelove your Memory boards :)
All the very best to you with your creative journey!
Beautiful ... I agree the memory board is gorgeous!