Magazines we love :: Paper Runway
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Tell us a little bit about your magazine?
Sharing a love and passion for paper Nikki Buckland and Maree Oaten have joined to bring Paper Runway to you. It began with virtual cups of coffee, glasses of wine, long nights, early mornings, grabbing a quick chat in between day time naps and school pick ups.
Paper Runway is a quarterly magazine that offers you a mix of paper goodness, hot paper products, beautiful paper, features about the hottest paper sculptors, artists, illustrators, creators and quick DIY projects. Each issue is packed with pages of inspiring images, easy DIY projects, the hottest products in the stores, ideas and projects that are affordable, stylish, practical and pretty, and caters for anyone looking to add a personal touch. We also bring to you feature articles on talented Australian and International paper artists, whether it be illustration, artist, graphic designers, paper sculptors or the like. They all have the common denominator of a love of paper.
Paper Runway is an independent publication. Designed, made and printed in Australia, Paper Runway uses cutting edge digital printing technology by an accredited FSC printer. The magazine is further enhanced by being on 100% recycled post consumer waste paper, which is a Carbon Neutral made stock. Each copy of Paper Runway also features a singer sewn spine and sexy curved edges.
Paper Runway is ageless, ambitious and creative. Paper Runway is where passions meets paper.

When/Why did you start your magazine?
We started Paper Runway in February this year and launched our first Issue on 1 May 2011. We are both captivated by paper in all its form. There are so many gorgeous inspirational magazines for our homes, kids and fashion but none that truly focussed on paper. We wanted to show the world that paper is not boring or mundane it is understated and regal. It is a niche market but the response from like minded people has been overwhelming. Paper Runway has certainly hit the ground running.

What is the favourite part about running your magazine?
There probably isn’t one favourite part but lots of great moments that we enjoy. There is so much to enjoy, even those pages that end up on the cutting room floor we love! We love grafting an idea and breathing life into the pages. We love interviewing and talking to many many talented and amazing people who work with paper and sourcing paper goodies that we cannot wait to share with our readers. We love receiving emails from our subscribers after the postie delivers Paper Runway to them telling us how much they love Paper Runway. It is hard work and long hours but so thoroughly enjoyable.

Why do you love handmade so much?
There is nothing better than something that is handmade. A machine can't add that handmade quality to a product. A product that is handmade has little quirks and the little touches. It has an emotional quality attached to it.

Name 5 feelings that your customers will feel after they finish reading your magazine.
Inspired, Creative, Delight, Wanting More, Happy.