Tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m a mum of two girls, aged 3 ½ and 16 months, and I recently moved with my husband to Port Macquarie on the NSW Mid North Coast after living forever in and around Goulburn, south of Sydney. I love so many things – growing my own vegetables and fruit, visiting the McAlister family farm (the kids love collecting the eggs), using all the things we grow in family cooking and of course I love crafting and have dabbled in photography. Oh, and I can’t live without my mates, and my family!

Can you explain your craft/art and the materials you like to use?
I’m a sewer – I make clothing and accessories for babies and kids. I just adore beautiful fabrics, so am always on the lookout! I shop for fabrics all over – online, my local quilting store and chain stores like Spotlight for basics. I’m in love with Amy Butler and Michael Miller at the moment! Rather than decide on what I’d like to make and then choose the fabric though, I tend to choose my fabric first, then see what I can do with it! The downside of that approach is that when people say ‘oh, I love it, can you do one for me?’ I end up running all over town trying to source more fabric the same!
How long have you been creating and how did you get into making handmade goodies?
My Nana was a sewer, so I grew up with lots of handmade things around me. My Mum bought me my first sewing machine for my 21st birthday – a great little Janome – but I didn’t really use it much until I was at home on maternity leave with my first baby. Along with a friend of mine, we started teaching ourselves the basics – making little skirts and tops and things (with lots of frustrated calls to each other, and to Nan!). I put the machine away again for quite a while when I went back to work, but after my second baby came along and we made the move north, I decided to pull it back out again. The problem was, my girls have far too many clothes, and there’s only so much you can give away… so I decided to start selling on madeit.
How do you juggle motherhood & crafting/managing your business?
I’ve got a very understanding husband, who doesn’t mind cooking and hanging out washing and bathing the kids and doing all that stuff. I also work, doing public relations from home, so for me it really is a juggle! I use childcare for the girls two days a week (which are my PR days, my fabric shopping days, my catching up on the housework days) and really, I just try and maintain a nice trickle of orders coming in that I can put together during the baby’s sleeps and in the evenings. I will also admit to employing the ‘electronic babysitter’ (TV) from time to time when things get a little hectic.
Do you have any advice to other Mothers who are wanting to start creating handmade goodies?
If you’re wanting to be creative for your own children and friends and family, then just do it! It’s so much fun, and so rewarding. If you’d like to sell your creations, I think it’s important to find a product that’s a bit unique and something that’s been tried and tested at home. Also, have a plan. Know how much time you can dedicate to your crafting and know where to draw a line in the sand. If you don’t want a full time job, then you have to learn how to say no! And finally, don’t undersell yourself. It’s an increasingly competitive marketplace, and there are so many talented crafters, but if you’re product is well made and something unique, people will buy it!

I love your shop! I had to write and say that I was born and bred in Goulburn so I probably went to school with you!!!!