Tell us a bit about yourself?
Hi my name is Linda. I live in Bayside, Melbourne with my cycling mad husband of 7 years, my cheeky chops daughter Louise and Bella our gorgeous old Labrador. I love Melbourne for its great coffee, awesome restaurants and of course its shopping.

Can you explain your craft/art and the materials you like to use?
I make accessories especially for girls - once i found out some of my customers were purchasing for themselves I expanded my range to include pretties for the young at heart too. I have a passion for beautiful designer fabrics and never make anything I wouldn't wear myself or put on my daughter. I like bold colours, kawaii prints and stylish design.
How long have you been creating and how did you get into making handmade goodies?
I have always enjoyed making things for myself and for around the home, I started Lulu Froufrou when my daughter was about one, when I started to get requests for the items I was making for her hair. Once I found Madeit, I never looked back.
How do you juggle motherhood & crafting/managing your business?
To fit everything in I really need to be organised and plan my days in advance. I love routine and both Lou {and I} seem to thrive on it. I try to fit my orders in during nap time and evenings. I make sure to give myself a little 'me time' at the gym so I don’t get overwhelmed and I try to make weekends family time too - with a little crafting when I can.
Do you have any advice to other Mothers who are wanting to start creating handmade goodies?
I never expected how fun and extremely rewarding having a crafting business would be. Don't be afraid to network either, you will be pleasantly surprised at how alike and willing to help we all are. The costs to start are quite low and its amazing how much free information and 'how to' tutorials there are floating around on internet. My top 4 {Free} business tools - The Madeit forum, The Contemporary Handmade Alliance, Picnik and the one and only Facebook. Have confidence in yourself and your work and just give it a go!

the birdie barette is so beautifuL!