Tell us a bit about yourself?
I’ve been married to my lovely husband for 14 yrs and we have 3 kids – Ben 11, Lily 9 and Charlotte 7. We live in the Eastern suburbs of wonderful Melbourne. Love visiting the gift shops and galleries of our coastal towns like Queenscliff; especially in Winter when it’s not so busy!

I produce hand printed cards using original designs that I have produced from lino-cut. I sometimes use wood as well. The range of colours available to print with give me a fabulous palette to choose from. Hand printing always has that lovely texture to it, too, which I love.
I’ve always been drawn to simple bold designs. There is nothing more exciting then peeling the paper from the lino to see how the print has taken; not always perfect, but when it is.........
How long have you been creating and how did you get into making handmade goodies?
I think that all of us who “ create “ would say that the love of it has been with us for as long as we can remember. The Art Room was my favourite place to be all the way through school. I remember the excitement of getting my first box of Derwent pencils for Christmas. My Nana was a huge influence on me; she spun her own fleece and knitted and crocheted and decorated Wedding cakes! Whether I’m painting or printing or sewing a costume for the school play, I am and always will, love being creative.
How do you juggle motherhood & crafting/managing your business?
Sometimes it has it’s challenges, but mostly it works beautifully. I have all the kids a school, now, so I generally have the day to myself.....unless there’s a sports day, canteen, uniform shop or excursion duty!!! I think it’s good to get into a bit of a routine on the days that you have free - if you can. It’s good not to let things get on top of you....everything always works out in the end.
Do you have any advice to other Mothers who are wanting to start creating handmade goodies?
If you have the time and the passion and the desire then go for it. Think about all the pros and cons with someone who can be objective with you. It’s fantastic fun and very rewarding.. Believe in yourself and your product and treat your customers the way you would like to be treated.
Gorgeous stuff. Will have to check out the shop in more detail! Lou.